Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28th Notes

Information based around Chapter 3. Read/study along with notes for best results.

III Isotopes

Determined by the number of neutrons.Ex. C12 & C14*C14 is used in carbon dating its half life is 5,730yrs.
*Half Lives

IV Ions-Electrically charge atom or molecule.

-This happens when Protons do not equal Electrons.
-Important ones: H+, OH-, K+, Cl-, Na+,Ca2+
          -Some cells may not let any ions pass through 
            Ex. Cystic Fibrosis, which creates a lack in sodium and chlorine.

V Bonding

A. Ionic -these bonds form between oppositely charged ions.Ex. Na+ (1 valence e-) and Cl- (7 valence e-)


-Bonding takes place and chlorine takes an electron from sodium completing its outer shell and completing sodium's shell. Both receive an octet and together they make NaCl.

B.Covalent-when electrons are shared.
    2types:   1.Non-polar- when electrons are shared equally.
                    Ex. H2   H-H   Single Bond. OO=O Double Bond. N Triple bonded!


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