Tuesday, August 27, 2013


WHAT IS LIFE?                                                                                                            August 27,2013
  1. Made of Cells (Cell Theory)
  2. Reproduction
  3. Metabolism
  4. Genetic Material (DNA & RNA)

Levels of Organization of Matter
  1. (Sub) Sub-Atomic Particles
  2. Sub-Atomic Particles ---(This is what we will start with in this class)
  3. Atoms

  4. Molocules
  5. Compounds (all living things made of 4 different types, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleate Acids
  7. Cells
  9. Organs
 10. Organ System
 11. Organism
 12. Population
 13. Community
 14. Ecosystem
 15. Ecosphere (This is where we will end talking about in the class)
 16.Solar System
 17. Galaxy
 18. Universe

BIOCHEMISTRY- The chemistry of Life
1. Atoms- 3 subatomic particles
        A. Protons: (+) Charged- in the nucleus
        B. Neutrons: (0) Charged- in the nucleus
        C. Electrons: (-) Charged- in shells outside the nucleus
   Shell Rules:
         1. 2 electrons fill shell #1
         2. 8 electrons fill shell #2
         3. 8 electrons fill shell #3
         4. 8 electrons fill Valence shell (outermost) -having its valence shell filled makes an atom "happy"-

2. Elements- Different kinds of Atoms. Determined by the number of Protons (memorize the following)
       Carbon- 6 protons
       Nitrogen- 7 protons
       Oxygen- 8 protons
       Hydrogen- 1 proton

3. Isotopes- Different weights of the same element.
      C^12= 6 protons + 6 neutrons                                                          ^^(the bottom number)
      C^14= 6 protons + 8 neutrons                                                            the atomic mass of the average

                                                                                                                   Carbon Atom

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