Monday, November 11, 2013

5. Cancer- There are 2 types  of Genes that, if mutated, can potentially lead to cancer:
     A. Proto-Oncogene- encode for proteins that, when ready, stimulate cell division. If mutated, they are Oncogenes- automatically signal cell division.
     B. Tumor Suppressor Gene- encode proteins that inhibit cell division. Cell will continue onto the Cell Cycle w/o inhibition if these genes are mutated

P53- is a tumor suppressor gene that 1) either repairs the DNA to allow the Cell Cycle to continue, or 2) triggers PCD if DNA is irrepairable.

Meiosis- Cell Division that results in the formation of 4 genetically unique haploid cells (sperm and egg).

1. 2 Divisions and 9 Phases 
    A. Interphase- Includes the G1, S, and G2 Phases and their checkpoints. Same as Mitosis.
DNA Replication: S-phase

Homologues- have the same genes, but not necessarily the same alleles.
Chromatids- 2 exact copies of DNA.

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