Friday, November 22, 2013



GENE – A location on a chromosome that codes for a general trait (protein).  Example:  Plant Height Gene


ALLELES – Different forms of the same gene.  Examples:  A and a.


PHENOTYPE – The physical appearance of an organism due to its genetics.  Examples: Tall and Dwarf.  PHENOTYPIC RATIO: 3:1 Tall:Dwarf


GENOTYPE – The genetic combination of alleles in an individual.  GENOTYPIC RATIO: 1:2:1  AA: Aa: aa.  3 Basic Genotypes:

1. HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT – both alleles are dominant – AA

2. HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE – both alleles are recessive – aa

3. HETEROZYGOUS – the alleles are different from one another - Aa

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