Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Meiosis - 2 divisions that result in 4 haploid cells (sperm/egg cells).

I.   The 9 phases of Meiosis.
      A. Interphase - DNA is duplicated
      B. Prophase I - Chromosomes appear; the nuclear envelope breaks down.
          The chromosomes form tetrads;  two homologous chromosomes
                       - In the tetrad, Crossing-Over takes place.  Random bits of
                         information are exchanged between the two homologous         
                         chromosomes. This accounts for the genetic-variability in

      C. Metaphase I - Tetrads line up at equator.

      D. Anaphase I - Homologues split apart from 1 another and move toward 
         the poles.

      E. Telophase I - Cytokinesis.  Cell divides into 2 intermediate cells.  This is
           a know as Reduction Division.
                          -Reduction Division has its name because the chromatids 
                           remain together. This means that the amount of genetic
                           information in each of the new cells is significantly reduced.

      F. Prophase II - DNA doesn't replicate again, and no tetrads form
          therefore no cross-over occurs.

      G. Metaphase II - Chromatid Pairs line up at the equators.

      H. Anaphase II - Chromatids split apart and move toward the poles.

       I. Telophase II - Cytokinesis divides the 2 cells into 4 unique haploid 


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