Monday, September 23, 2013

11. Central Vacuole: large storage vesicle in a plant cell (lipid storage)
       Note: There are other types of vacuoles, like contactile is some protists
12. Chloroplasts: where photosynthesis happens
       -Double membrane

C. Outside the Cytoplasm
1. Cell Wall: (not in animals) rigid structure made of glucose (cellulose in plants, chitin in fungi)
       -This gives the cell rigidity
2. Cell Membrane: phospholipid bilayer (also some cholesterol and many functional proteins)
       -Fluid Mosaic Model: the ability of the membrane to be selectively permeable
       -Selectively Permeable:
                    a. What can move freely though? = Non-polar, neutrally charged (not an ion), and small
                                  Examples: O2, CO2, NH3
                    b. What can't? = Polar, Ionic, or Big

V.  Diffusion and Osmosis: Passive Processes- No ATP is "burned" here
       A. Diffusion: the passive movement of a substance from a high concentration to a low concentration.
                -Force is determined by the difference between the high and low concentrations
                Example: (find a friend with the picture)
                         #1                                  #2
                     Higher O2                    Lower O2
                       Couch                         Marathon
                             *O2 would have a higher force to #2, O2 would have a lower force to #1
       B. Osmosis:  the passive movement of water (H2O) from a low solute concentration across a 
      membrane to a high solute concentration  
                - Movement stops when the 2 concentrations are equal 
                Example: (find a friend with the picture)
               0.4 M Cell <--------> 0.4 M Sugar
                *"Isotonic": Net movement of a solution is zero
               0.4 M Cell ------>1.0 M Sugar
                *Hypotonic and Hypertonic 
               1.0 M Cell <------0 .4="" m="" nbsp="" span="">
                *Water goes into cell


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