Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4th

Chapter Four Macromolecules of Life

I. Carbohydrates -Sugars  *Carbo -consists of Carbon *hydrate -water *CH2O.
   Ratio of 1 carbon to 2 Hydrogen to 1 Oxygen.
   Quick Energy + Mid-term energy compounds (not longest energy burst)
A. Monosaccharides  -single sugars. Glucose, Dextrose, Galactose, Fructose, Ribose, etc...
           Glucose -Blood sugar
              *Product of Photosynthesis Transported into cells/storage by Insulin         C6H12O6

Basic function is Quick Energy and they are easily converted into ATP, or are stored in ions as branching chains
B. Disaccharides -Pair of sugars
         and Olgosaccharides -2-4 monosaccharides in a chain.

1. Sucrose -Glucose bonded to Fructose. Table sugar. @room temp glucose & fructose are gels, but sucrose is a sold @ room temp.

Hydrolysis is shown by an arrow pointing up.
 Hydrolysis- *hydro-H20  *lysis-chemical Destruction
-Destroying a H2O in order to break a bond between 2 monomers. Main reaction in Digestion The water breaks the bonds in Sucrose

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