Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12 Notes

III. Protein
      A. Stucture
            4 Quaternary-(few)-Multiglobular
                              Hemoglobin-carries Oxygen through our bodies

Denature- breaking the bonds that hold a protein in its 3-D structure. This destroys the proteins function. Heat and pH will do this.

*A protein's function is based completely on its 3-D structure* 
       B. Functions
            1. Structure- Hair, Muscle, Bone, Cartilage
            2. Pigment- Melanin
            3. Carriers- Insulin, Hemoglobin
            4. Defense- Antibodies
            5. Contraction- Muscle
      ***6. Enzymes- Catalyze every chemical reaction in an organism. They are exclusive (meaning that every different chemical reaction has a different enzyme).

Catalyze-speeds up chemical reactions by decreasing the level of energy required for the reaction to take place (activation energy)

IV. Nucleic Acids- Made in the Nucleus.
     A. DNA- Deoxyribonucleic Acid- Genetic information.
Gene= Recipe for a protein.

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