Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cells- September 17 & 18, 2013

Cells-Units of organisms
I. The Cell Theory
   A. All organisms are made of cells
   B.Cells are the smallest living unit
   C.Cells only arise from existing cells
II. Why are Cells Small?
    As volume increases in a cell, surface area also increases, but, it does not keep up with volume
     If volume increases 100x, then surface area increases 10x
    Cells need to move outside nutrients in through the cell membrane
    The smaller a cell is, the more efficient it is moving materials into (nutrients) and out (waste) of the cell
III. 2 Basic types of Cells
    A. Prokaryotic- "before the kernal," kernal meaning nucleus. Have no nucleus, nor do they have organelles - internal,   membrane-bond structure. Do have internal membranes. Two kingdoms: Bacteria & Archea. Earliest of these on the planet 3.5 billion years ago.
    B. Eukaryotic- "the nucleus now" Have a nucleus, and organelles. Four kingdoms: Animalia (organ systems are unique to this kingdom, along with the ability to move on your own from place to place, and they are multi-cellular), Plantae, Fungi, Protista.
IV. Structure of a Eukaryotic Cell
    A. Nucleus- "Control Center" Surrounded by a selectively permeable membrane (made of phospholipids, which repel polar substances, and substances with a charge)
  1. Nucleolus- Makes nucleotides (Phosphate-Sugar-Base)
  2. DNA- 46 strands in every human cell, called Chromosomes (when it is condensed, "visible", and wrapped around proteins called histones) or Chromoatin (uncondensed, "invisible")

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