Thursday, October 10, 2013

Enzyme inhibition

D. Inhibition 1. Non-Competitive Inhibitios-When a repressor molecule bonds to the allestoric site and inhibits the activity of the enzyme. The active site is not competed for. 2. Competitive Inhibition- A second moolecule that has a similar characteristics to the substrate. gum in the lock. this inhibits the enzyme's activity by blocking the substrate from fitting into the active site (Poisons and toxins) V. ATP Adenosine Tri_Phosphate What ATP is used for in the cell Muscle contractions pumpthings across membrane biosynthesis cytoplamic transport chemical activation Flagella or Cilia Motor Protiens Cell Crawling Heat can be generated directly from ATP VI. REDOX- Reactions (Reduction/Oxidation)-transfer of electrons from one chemical to another. A. Reduced Chemical-receives the electrons. (electrons are negative so when it gains electrons its charge goes down, reduces) B. Oxidized Chemical- Gives off its electrons. The reason the word oxodized is used is because Oxogen (O2 is the best and most commonen electron accepter.) [fire is a common example of a redox reaction. When you but a lid over the fire it goes out because the electrons no longer have a place to go.)

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