Monday, October 21, 2013

VII. Photosynthesis
        B. Light-Independent Reactions
AKA The Clavin Cycle AKA C^3 Photosynthesis
ATP provides energy to drive endergonic reactions and RADPH provides REDOX Power.
Happens in the Stroma.
                1. 1RuBP  combines with one CO2 to form 2 Phosphoglycerates. This is catalyzed by the enzyme RUBISCO.

RuBP + CO2---- 2 Phosphoglycerates

Note: C^3 Photosythesis refer to the # of carbons in the comound formed when CO2 enters the cell

               2. 2 phosphoglycerates undergo a series of reaction to form 2 Glyceraldegydes.
ATP and NADPH are now used to make glyceraldehyde a "High Energy" compound
(it now has the electrons from PSI) Excess Glyceraldegyde "leaves" the calvin cycle and it takes 2 to form 1Glucose.
Every turn of the calvin cycle adds 1 extra carbon. So, 3 turns will give you 2 glyceraldehydes and 6 turns will give you 2 glyceraldehydes, which will yield 2 glucose.
               3. The Glyceraldehyde that remains in the cycle is catalyzed by a series of reactions (some requiring ATP) to regenerate RuBP, the starting material.

VIII. Photoresperation- Happens under hot, dry conditions when a plant closes its stromata in order to conserve H20. Result: O2 cant escape and CO2 cant get in. So, RUBISCO will "fix" O2, not CO2, into the Calvin Cycle. This will stop the production of Glucose and potentially kill the plant.
So, how do plants (like-desert plants) survive?:

IX. C4 Photosynthesis

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