Tuesday, October 1, 2013

          4. Coupled Transport - One material (molecule) diffuses in passively and it, or the power of its diffusion will move another material against its concentration gradient.


    B. Phagocytosis- engulfing particulate matter into the cell by engulfing it and then containing it into a vesicle.

    C. Pinocytosis- same as phagocytosis but the material is liquid.

    D. Receptor Mediated Endocytosis - molecule bonds to a receptor protein on the cell's surface and this activates a system that "pulls" the material in and contains it in a vesicle.

    E. Exocytosis - the direct opposite of phagocytosis

VII. Protein Identification Markers - found on the external surface of a cell and ID's it as Foreign or Domestic and also as the type of tissue it is.

VIII. Endosymbiotic Theory- Eukaryotic Cells evolved from the phagocytosis and symbiotic cooperation of prokaryotic cells.  Watch "Bozeman Biology-Endosymbiosis."  Mitochondria and chloroplasts in particular show evidence that this has happened
    A. Size and Shape are the same as aerobic bacilli Bacteria and Cyanobacteria (photosynthetic)
    B. Mitochondria and Chloroplasts have a Double Membrane system:
         1. Outer- came from the host cell.  Same characteristics
         2. Inner - folds and stacks just like Bacterial membranes.  Used for the same purpose - make ATP

    C. DNA
         1. Have their own
         2. DNA is circular

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