Thursday, October 31, 2013

VIII. Anaerobic Respiration-without Oxygen (O2)
        A. Organisms that use Inorganic TEA's
             1. Methanogens (Archaea)- use CO2 as their TEA and it is reduced it is converted to CH4 (Methane)
             2, Sulfur Bacteria- use Sulfate (SO4) as their TEA and it is reduced to H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide). Hot Springs
        B. Fermentation- allows a cell to regenerate NAD+ so that the process of glycolysis can continue as long as glucose is present. This is done by Oxidizing NADH and reducing an organic TEA. 2 types:
             1. Lactic Acid Fermentation- Lactate is the reducing agent for NADH
                 Pyruvate ->Lactic Acid
             2.  Alcohol Fermentation- yeasts convert Pyruvate into Acetaldehyde and then Oxidize Acetaldehyde into ethanol.

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