Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11, 2013 Process of Photosynthesis

The process of photosynthesis is molecular, so it's important to be able to visualize the things that are happening.

I. Overview- Photosynthesis is the process that captures light energy and transforms into the chemical energy of carbohydrates (glucose)

  • It occurs in
-Plasma membranes of some bacteria
-Cells of algae (60 % of photosynthesis is done by these)
-Leaves of plants

II. Leaf structure
Cuticle- Clear, waxy coating on top of the leaf
Palisade Mesophyll- Photosyntheis happens here, more than the spongy mesophyll. (90%)
Vascular Bundle- (This is found inside the Bundle Sheath cell in the picture)
Spongy Mesophyll- Mops up the rest of the light that wasn't absorbed by the Palisades.
Stoma- A "doorway" that goes in and out of the cell. The oxygen that is made by photosynthesis is given off, and CO2 is taken in. Water can also escape through this.

III. Chloroplast Structure

Outer Membrane-
Stoma- The space between the Thylakoids and the outer membrane
Thylakoid Space

IV. 3 Stages of Photosynthesis
A. Capturing energy from sunlight
B.Using energy to make ATP and NADPH to power the synthesis of carbohydrates from CO2

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