Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013

IV. Glycolysis
          A. Phosphorylation
               Net Energy Gain (NEG): -2 ATP
          B. Breakdown of Glucose into two 3-C's
               NEG: -2 ATP
          C. Conversion to Pyruvate
               NEG: +2 ATP
                         -2 NADH

V. Pyruvate Oxidation
- Pyruvate diffuses into the Mitocondria. Pyruvate is converted to Acetyl CoA and a CO2. In this process two electrons are given off to form NADH.

                               Enzyme in
          o   o   o     ---------------->   o   o   +    o
          o   o   o       Intermembrane     o   o         o
      2 Pyruvates           Space                2          2
                                                 Acetyl CoA   CO2
              NAD+ + H+ + 2e- = 2 NADH
                         NEG:  2 ATP
                                    2 NADH

VI. The Kreb's Cycle
- Takes place in the Mitochondrial Matrix. 9 enzyme catalyzed reactions that strip the rest of the high energy electrons off and onto NADH and FADH2.Also more ATP is made.
4 Stages:

          A. Acetyl CoA bonds to a 4-C Molecule making a 6-C molecule.
Look in book for Diagram
                               o  o  2 Acetyl CoA
                               o  o
o  o  o  o ----------------------------------->  o  o  o  o  o  o
o  o  o  o                                                          o  o  o  o  o  o
                            NEG: 2 ATP
                                      2 NADH

          B. The 6-C molecule has a Carbon break off forming CO2 and 2e- are harvested to make more NADH.
 Look in book for Diagram
           6 NADH

           C. 2 5-C molecules are converted to 2 4-C molecules by losing another carbon each. More electrons are stripped off to form NADH and this is an exergonic reaction that forms more ATP.
Look in book for Diagram
          8 NADH

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